The Aesthetic Dollar
EST. 2022
My name is Emily and my husband and I are both self-employed so our income varies month to month. I am a free-spirit by nature and typically fly by the seat of my pants except when it comes to money. We have 4 kids and big financial goals so financial security is important to me.
Our debt free journey began when my husband and I attended a Financial Peace University class at our church. We had no idea that one decision would change our future and our children's future.
The reason we attended was simply because we didn't want to live paycheck to paycheck anymore. During this class we were asked to go home and add up all of our debt, minus our mortgage, and the number shook us to our core.
We thought it was normal to have car payments, student loans, credit card debt, medical debt, lines of credit, etc. It never occurred to us that we could be free. So we made a plan and a big part of that plan was the cash stuffing method. We learned that when you spend money with a card (yes, even a debit card), you don't feel anything. But when you spend cash, it activates the pain sensors in your brain and you actually spend less!
We are still on our journey to financial freedom, but we are getting closer and closer each month.
To date, we have paid off $64,244 in debt and it's all thanks to the cash stuffing method (and literally cutting up our credit cards).

The reason I founded The Aesthetic Dollar is to share my love for beauty + simplicity and all things related to becoming financially free. My hope is to inspire you to take control of your finances and live in abundance and peace.